Barkha dutt young
Barkha dutt young

barkha dutt young

Worse, it reaffirms that there is a biological determinism to the lives of women, a construct that women of my generation have spent years challenging. “’First-day period leave’ may be dressed up as progressive, but it actually trivializes the feminist agenda for equal opportunity, especially in male-dominated professions. Okay so here’s a policy that’s inclusive and progressive and helps tackle that very stigma… There are homes where girls and adult women are not allowed into the kitchen during their ‘impure’ days” Hindu women have had to petition in court to be allowed inside temples that bar menstruating women. Muslim women have told me they are not allowed to offer Namaz prayers during their period. “Our menstruation has been used against us in all sorts of ways - to shame us, embarrass us, sexually repress us and, of course, make us feel dirty. One of the big sanitary-napkin brands is called Whisper, a perfect metaphor for how your period should be spoken of - if you must mention it at all” It is like a shroud thrown over your monthly awkwardness. He will wordlessly get a packet from the rear of the store and slip it into a jet-black plastic bag so that no one can see what you bought.

barkha dutt young barkha dutt young

“In India, even today, when you purchase sanitary pads from the neighborhood store, you can expect the (usually male) shopkeeper to evade your eye. This is my response to excerpts from that article and why I disagree with what she said. This morning I read an article written by Barkha Dutt where she illustrates why she thinks period leave is a stupid idea.

Barkha dutt young